Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Un Request...

More Lara for ya!
Just so lovely to see this kind of a figure in the Fashion World today. Ok, she can´t walk, she´s a bit of a miserable Bitch it seems, but she sure has that Brigitte Bardot Quality with a Hard edge.


Anonymous said...

Vá skvísa! Er ekki bara verið að reyna að gera hana ALVEG eins og Bridget Bardot í Guess auglýsingunni, (er þetta ekki annars Guess auglýsing)

Helga Kay said...

hehehe, nei ekkert af þessu er Guess auglýsing,en held þú eigir við retro 50´s fata myndirnar, þær eru bara úr tískuþætti í að mig minnir breska vóg!:)

Annie said...

GO LARA GO LARA GO LARA GO LARA!!!!!! I've got a load more Lara in i-D here... www.modeandme.blogspot.com
you may have to scroll down a bit or look in archives because I've posted a lot since then